Roblox Studio: Convert Real World Measurements to Studs

If you are building a game in Roblox Studio, you may want to make accurate, real world scaled buildings, vehicles and other objects.

(video version of this tutorial can also be watched below)

For example, you may want to build a virtual replica of a famous building or landmark so that it looks and feels like the real thing during gameplay.

To do so, use the following Roblox measurements to convert studs as close as possible to real world size:

Meters: 1 stud = 0.28 meters
Inches: 1 stud = 11.024 inches
Feet: 1 stud = 0.919 feet

I used Google’s conversion tool to first find out how many inches were in the base stud size of 0.28 meters:

This would mean a part that is 1 foot long it would need to have a stud size of 1.088.

A part that is 1 meter long would need to be 3.57 studs.

Using the above figures, here are some example dimensions:

6 feet tall = 6.528 studs  (6 x 1.088)
5 feet tall = 5.440 studs (5 x 1.088)
1 foot tall = 1.088 studs (1 x 1.088)

These figures are approximate and the realistic feel will also depend on how big your character is as well as how tall YOU are in real life.  Test out different Roblox avatars such as R6, R15, Rthro.

For example, a finished house in Roblox might feel too big or too small depending on what you are used to in real life.

I recommend building a wall with a door from your real world house and use that as an example.  Or, measure your bedroom wall, window and door dimensions and play with the dimensions until it feels correct.

There are no absolute rules – so don’t worry too much about getting 100% accurate, just try to get as close as you can get.

To change the stud size in Roblox Studio, simply click on the part and in the properties window, change the x, y, z sizes to your calculated real world stud sizes.

In this example, I have made a 10 foot x 10 foot x 1 foot wall.  Stud sizes for this would be:

10.88, 10.88, 1.088 (or round up the last to 1.09 if you like).

X = width
Y = height
Z = thickness

And that’s about all there is to it.

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to leave a comment on the YouTube video version of this tutorial: Roblox Studio Real World Measurements in Studs and I’ll do my best to help.

Good luck!