How to Fix Roblox Error Code 268

If you are unable to log into a game on Roblox due to Error Code 268, this article will provide a few tips that may help fix the problem.

You can also watch the video of this tutorial below:

NEW!  Updated tutorial with additional fixes!

This error shows up as a pop up window that says:

Disconnected. You have been kicked due to unexpected client behavior. Error Code 268

Step 1. Right click on your Roblox Player and select properties and then open file location.

If your Roblox shortcut icon is on your desktop you can go straight to open file location without going to properties first.

Step 2: Find the RobloxPlayerLauncher application in the folder that opens.

Right click and select properties.

Step 3: In the Properties window, select the tab that says “Compatibility”.

Next, check the box that says “Run this program in compatibility mode and choose Windows 7 from the drop down menu.”

Also select the box that says “Run this program as an administrator”.

Click the apply button and then click ok.

Step 4: Right click on the RobloxPlayerLauncher icon and select Troubleshoot compatibility.

Select the option that says Try Recommended Settings and follow the instructions and hopefully error code 268 will be fixed.

If you are still having issues, try uninstalling Roblox and reinstalling to see if that fixes the problem.

If you have any questions, or need additional help with, please leave a comment on this companion YouTube video tutorial: Roblox Error Code 268 – Quick Fix and we’ll be happy to help.