This may sound a bit nutty, but hear me out.
If you are a creator struggling to get 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time on YouTube, keep reading as I have a system that will dramatically increase your chances of reaching this milestone.
The system is very simple and only takes a few minutes each day.
I have recently done this to get out of debt AND land a role in a major motion picture. No joke!
Video version of this article is below, btw…
What is the system, you ask? It involves using the Scott Adams (Dilbert creator) affirmation system.
Here’s a quick summary of what you do:
On a piece of paper or a computer document, write a goal out 15 times per day. It is important that you also visualize the same goal before or after you write the affirmations.
For best results, do this twice each day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
It is recommended to use your name in the affirmation as well.
An example affirmation:
“I, (your name), have successfully become monetized with over 1000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time on YouTube.”
Write or type this 15 times for each session, close your eyes and also visualize yourself achieving this goal.
Why Affirmations Work
There are many theories on why affirmations work. Some involve the reticular activation system, but to keep things simple I have my own theories.
I believe by getting in the habit of doing affirmations, you are keeping yourself on course (especially in a highly distracted world).
If you gave a challenge to two people, one trying to achieve a goal with affirmations and the other without using them, I would bet 9 times out of 10 the one using affirmations will reach their goal quicker.
There’s probably a good chance that affirmations also form pathways in your brain and over time you will be doing affirmations in your head throughout the day without even thinking about it.
Obviously, this isn’t the only thing you need to do to reach 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time on YouTube. You also need to make great content and eye catching thumbnails.
If you decide to try this and have luck with it, please be sure to let me know by leaving a comment on the video version of this article.
For a more in depth analysis on the Scott Adams affirmation system, I highly recommend that you watch his video on the topic on his channel. It’s quite awesome. Good luck!